Kaatop hydroponics

The first plantable roof tile in the world

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Kaá (Ka'a): word used by Amazon indigenous people 
to describe greenery. It means canopy, tree, shrub, grass - or simply leaf.

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Bring it to life
Kaatop allows you to transform the urban surface into fertile soil 
to cultivate biodiversity, amazing gardens, vegetables and crops

Light and cool as a leaf
Waterproof as a roof tile should be



Roof, wall or single panels - 3 ways for you to use Kaatop

Green roofs

Use the power of plants to cool the environment and transform the energy of the sun into leaves and freshness. In addition to reducing the absorption of solar energy (due to the shading of the leaves), Kaatop steals the surface heat, cooling the environment.

Green walls

Kaatop simulates the functioning of plant tissues in a leaf. Its capillary irrigation system allows you to create a artificial living coat to protect any building - even vertically. Just connect to the water and energy supply system that nature will follow.

Grow panels 

Kaatop can also be mounted as a solar panel and nest up to 30 plants per square meter. With seeds or pre-rooted seedlings, professional hydroponic cultivation or home-made-bio-fertirrigation, there are endless growing possibilities. 

Meets ABNT NBR 15575-5: 2013 criteria as sealing element
Tested for hail impact resistance,
resistance to concentrated loads due to people walking
and watertightness 

 What are talking about it


"Fantastic roof system "

Take a look at what one of the world's leading green roofing experts is talking about this innovation

"Extremely warm summer: see what our students cultivate on this fantastic roofing system from Brazil - aubergines and many more vegetables"

Dr. Manfred Köhler
World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN)
Green Roof Centre of Excellence
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Indoor Lettuce cultivation trials carried out at the University of Bologna, Italy

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